Saturday, 27 February 2016

Teen Culture Collages


Here some collages I creates from found imagery. The imagery comes from magazines, some screen prints I have done over time and from cutting out different materials. These are test pieces done in the same project as the sketchbook pages focusing on the darker side of teenage culture. I looked to represent various themes and ideas including violence, memories, religious influence and masking of identity. 

Sketchbook Initial Ideas

These two pages look to explore my initial ideas for my project regarding the same project. My initial ideas explored and looked to narrow down what areas of graphic design I could explore as the brief is completely open. The other pages looks at some initial imagery I collected with me collaging it in order for it to express some aesthetic ideas I had to the project. Through me finding this imagery on the internet it allowed me to start to deduce a theme.

Sketchbook 5 Images

Here is a double page spread from my current sketchbook in which I am doing a project exploring teenage culture from a darker side e.g. drugs, alcohol. In general the idea that teenagers have a lack of regard for their own health and instead chase desire. We were asked to choose five images from or initial research to create experimental work from. These are the five I choose which look at the mine influences at the stage od my project and artists I will reference further down the line.

Respect Screen Print

Screen Print

Here is a photo screen print I did from my original cross photoshop. Here I looked to create a pattern of the symbol by using various colours in order to make a vibrant strong print. This experimenting allowed me to see how my original design that was meant for protesting could be made into something meant for aesthetic strength purposes. This design allowed me to reduce my design to basic symbolism and look to communicate the message differently.

Respect Religion

Digital Compositions

Respect Religion: On my foundation year for a visual communication project I was given two random words 'alienated and 'category'. I decided to focus on religion being a a alienated category of people in todays world due to arguments regarding religion and science and what could be considered questionable beliefs. I decided to protest that people should respect faith and decided the most powerful way to do this would be to recreate their symbols through images related to the religion. This would inform people of all the imagery that comes with a religion.

Santa Semana Edit

Digital Composition

This was an initial photoshop I did of an image I took in Malaga during the Semana Santa festival. I related back to my theme for the random word project in which I was given the words 'alienated' and 'category' in which I choose to focus on religions as being alienated category within society.

Hand Sketches

Hand Sketches

Here I practiced during my own hand in various ways using various tools. Each time I had a different time limit and a different tool from which to draw. Here I used ink with the tip of a feather, the end of a feather and also a skewer. This allowed me to experiment with drawing and see how different factors produce much different results. I also did the same using a pencil the first me having much longer time limit with my strong hand, I found my favourite drawing to be the one done with my weak hand on the bottom left, the sketch is made up of small strokes but represents the form of my hand well.