Saturday, 27 February 2016

Teen Culture Collages


Here some collages I creates from found imagery. The imagery comes from magazines, some screen prints I have done over time and from cutting out different materials. These are test pieces done in the same project as the sketchbook pages focusing on the darker side of teenage culture. I looked to represent various themes and ideas including violence, memories, religious influence and masking of identity. 

Sketchbook Initial Ideas

These two pages look to explore my initial ideas for my project regarding the same project. My initial ideas explored and looked to narrow down what areas of graphic design I could explore as the brief is completely open. The other pages looks at some initial imagery I collected with me collaging it in order for it to express some aesthetic ideas I had to the project. Through me finding this imagery on the internet it allowed me to start to deduce a theme.

Sketchbook 5 Images

Here is a double page spread from my current sketchbook in which I am doing a project exploring teenage culture from a darker side e.g. drugs, alcohol. In general the idea that teenagers have a lack of regard for their own health and instead chase desire. We were asked to choose five images from or initial research to create experimental work from. These are the five I choose which look at the mine influences at the stage od my project and artists I will reference further down the line.

Respect Screen Print

Screen Print

Here is a photo screen print I did from my original cross photoshop. Here I looked to create a pattern of the symbol by using various colours in order to make a vibrant strong print. This experimenting allowed me to see how my original design that was meant for protesting could be made into something meant for aesthetic strength purposes. This design allowed me to reduce my design to basic symbolism and look to communicate the message differently.

Respect Religion

Digital Compositions

Respect Religion: On my foundation year for a visual communication project I was given two random words 'alienated and 'category'. I decided to focus on religion being a a alienated category of people in todays world due to arguments regarding religion and science and what could be considered questionable beliefs. I decided to protest that people should respect faith and decided the most powerful way to do this would be to recreate their symbols through images related to the religion. This would inform people of all the imagery that comes with a religion.

Santa Semana Edit

Digital Composition

This was an initial photoshop I did of an image I took in Malaga during the Semana Santa festival. I related back to my theme for the random word project in which I was given the words 'alienated' and 'category' in which I choose to focus on religions as being alienated category within society.

Hand Sketches

Hand Sketches

Here I practiced during my own hand in various ways using various tools. Each time I had a different time limit and a different tool from which to draw. Here I used ink with the tip of a feather, the end of a feather and also a skewer. This allowed me to experiment with drawing and see how different factors produce much different results. I also did the same using a pencil the first me having much longer time limit with my strong hand, I found my favourite drawing to be the one done with my weak hand on the bottom left, the sketch is made up of small strokes but represents the form of my hand well.

Modern City Print

Screen Print

Modern City: Here is a photo screen print I did during a visual communication project based on 'the city'. I focused on looking eat buildings as abstract forms which can be seen in the image but I also used the print of the man over the top. The background texture was created by rolling an ink roller over the top of a table. The moons at the top were cut stencil prints which culminated in a a strong print which features various print techniques.

Experimental Screen Prints

Screen Print

Here are some experimental photo screen prints I did from the original imagery I created from my own photos. Each of the backgrounds where created in a different way the first through pushing ink through a stencil on a screen, the second created from a basic stencil and the third by taking textures from a table using an ink roller. Each looked to express a different feeling regarding the city of Liverpool. 

City Scan Edit

Digital Composition

Here is a digital piece I did by printing of a photoshop edited building onto acetate and then placing it through a scanner. As the scanner went over the image I moved it steadily so that the image was distorted when the scan had finished. It created a strong effect which I then once again put back into photoshop and played around with. It reverted away from the imagery that I had been creating which was very much linear and made up of strong lines.

City Digital Edit

Digital Composition

This was an initial digital piece I did using my own images as I liked to explore patterns and the forming of compositions through the use of buildings. I took buildings that were similar in appearance throughout converting them to abstract forms and playing around with the imagery. I kept on applying various process to the image to make a much rawer aesthetic as opposed to a clean cut one that I had previously been aiming for 

What lies GIF


GIF Animation

What lies GIF: I created a gif during the what lies under the skin project in which I focused on a reinterpretation of the title focusing on online social media. I looked at the skin as the persons online profile and what being underneath the real person. Here I created a gif using one of my own images which inverts and also in the background an image I glitched by destroying its code and therefore giving it the shown effect.

Life Drawings

Life Drawings

Here are some life drawings I did during my 'what lies under the skin?' project. I looked to capture the shape and form of the subject by using gestural marks to outline the shape and tone. This allowed me to develop an ideas regarding the human body for the rest of the project particularly when sketching my ideas for compositions out.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Experimental Screen Print

Screen Print

This screen print was one I did during the experiment stage of my foundation course. During this time we experimented with various process including screen printing. The image above is a screen print I created using cut stencils layering them over the top of each other. The drops of ink were created by forcing the stencil onto the print by hand.

Mono Print Sketch

Printing ink on material

Here is a sketch I did during the rotation weeks of my foundation course. I was experimenting with the process of monoprinting by sketching an image from a magazine. I went on to place a piece of material onto a flat layer of ink, I drew over the lines on the paper I sketched on top with a piece of material underneath which meant that the image was transferred onto the material. I feel the piece ended up being very strong with a interesting style of line.

Girl with the Plastic Face.

Digital Composition

Girl with the Plastic Face: This is a digital edit I did as development in a project. I took the famous painting girl with the pearl earring and played around with the face enlarging the features and then going onto duplicating the image to form the composition. The image is related to plastic surgery due to the change of features and the washed out faces in the background. 


Digital Composition

INJECT ARMS: This was a photoshop piece I created for my project to do with genetically modified fruit and veg. I took a picture of an arm holding a carrot in front of a green screen and then edited the colours and duplicated the image to form this pattern. The white gloves and needles suggest that it is an experiment and relate back to the theme of putting chemicals into fruit and veg.


Digital Composition  

WTF AM I EATING: This was a photoshop piece I created for my A-level art exam, it focused on the use of chemicals in genetically modified fruit and vegetables.I explored the idea that the fruit and vegetables that we are eating is not as pure and natural as advertised. I combined the image I took of an apple with that of a snake mouth to reflect the idea thats its dangerous. I went on to paint this image onto a placard.


Painting on material, canvas and metal structure

MONEY KILL$: Here is a piece I also created in my A-level year which looked at those who are manipulated by money and through this are a slave and imprisoned by the allure of expensive brands and expensive clothing. I hand painted the material suspended in the middle of the cage and also the background which resembles are barcode which morphs into jail cell bars.

Denigration of Critical Thinking.

Digital Composition

Denigration of Critical Thinking: This photoshop I created on my A-level Art and Design course. The main image used was a photo I took of a statue in Rome and the theme of the piece focused on cult and religious manipulation for which I created 8 pieces looking at different aspects. This composition looked at someones ability to think being controlled and can go so far as to characterize any independent thought as selfish, and rational use of intellect as evil.